Agora Coin: N 45196
Inventory Number:   N 45196
Section Number:   ΞΞ-80
Category:   Coin
Notes:   Coin no. 95. Hoard IGCH 157.
Context:   House A, Room III, sandy fill at bottom of tiled shaft.
Obverse:   Head of Athena r., wearing Corinthian helmet.
Reverse:   A-θ Owl stg. r., facing; all in wheat wreath.
Notebook Page:   331
Weight:   1.90
Die Axis:   6:00
Material:   Bronze
Metal:   Bronze
Chronology:   284--270's B.C.
Date:   14 May 1940
Section:   ΞΞ
Deposit:   A 18:8
Lot:   Lot ΞΞ 51
Period:   Greek
Region:   Attica
Authority:   Athens
Bibliography:   Kroll (1979), p. 150, no. G:17.
    Agora XXVI, no. 53.
    IGCH, no. 157.
Published Type:   Svoronos (1923), pl. 22:64-70.
References:   Publication: Agora XXVI
Deposit: A 18:8
Lot: ΞΞ 51
Notebook: ΞΞ-2
Notebook Page: ΞΞ-2-71 (pp. 331-332)
Card: ΞΞ-80