Agora Lot: Ω 245
Title:   Well at 74/Ι: Fill IVa; Containers 22-25
Keyword:   From Annotation
Contents:   Much selected; fragments of amphoras B.H.W.J or selected scraps of glass in envelope. Bone fragments (uncertain level).
Chronology:   Roman
Date:   8 April 1938
Section:   Ω
Grid:   Ω:74/Ι
References:   Deposit: N 20:5
Notebook: Ω-8
Notebook: Ω-16
Notebook Page: Ω-8-34 (pp. 1459-1460)
Notebook Page: Ω-8-69 (pp. 1529-1530)
Notebook Page: Ω-16-105 (p. 3200)