Agora Object: Agora XXIX, no. 1211
Dimensions:   Max. p. dim. 5.9.
Chronology:   225-175?
Published Number:   AV 29.1211
References:   Object: P 26676
Fragment of wall.

Nearly flat wall, very rough on interior. Stamped within rectangle: [Ἡρακλει'δ⟧ης. Very micaceous, light red fabric (2.5YR 6/6); metallic black glaze.

Stamp may be restored from a complete piece in the National Museum, with same stamp (NM 2235). For another instance of this stamp see Charitonides 1981, Α. 299, p. 183, fig. 6:α, pl. 37:στ. A closely similar stamp is known from an unpublished Koan amphora handle from Mirmeki.