Agora Object: Agora XXIX, no. 190
Dimensions:   H. 10.8; Diam. of body 11.5, of rim 10.3.
Chronology:   275-250
Deposit:   B 13:3
Published Number:   AV 29.190
References:   Object: P 11205
One handle, half of upper wall, and parts of lower wall restored; poor mend exaggerates asymmetry.

Scraped groove in resting surface and between moldings of foot; underside nippled. Upper wall nearly straight, inclined. Mask thumb rest: heavily bearded head, possibly tragic mask. Ivy garland running right. Main undulating stem white, ivy leaves on individual stems alternate with white dot rosettes. Shiny black glaze.

For ivy cf. 194, 220, 820.