Agora Object: IL 1105
Inventory Number:   IL 1105
Section Number:   Σ 2132
Title:   Lead Token
Category:   Iron & Lead
Description:   A. standing Serapis, with modius.
Right hand upraised, staff at right. Two countermarks.
Same type as with Triton (IL 1104).
B. plain.
Cf. IL 420.
Context:   Under wall.
Notebook Page:   3986
Negatives:   Leica
Dimensions:   Diam. 0.023; Th. 0.003; Wt. 7.68
Material:   Lead
Date:   27 May 1938
Section:   Σ
Grid:   Σ:23-30/ΚΣΤ-ΚΖ
Bibliography:   Agora X, p. 120, no. L 319.
Is Similar To:   Agora:Object:IL 420
References:   Publication: Agora X
Image: 2017.12.0209
Card: IL 1105