Agora Object: IL 480
Inventory Number:   IL 480
Section Number:   Σ 1075
Title:   Lead Token
Category:   Iron & Lead
Description:   Obverse: head of lion, right; traces of inscription at lower right. Countermark.
Reverse: plain.
Context:   With coins for the day, nos. 1-8.
Handling:   in zip lock bag in conservation
with gloves
Negatives:   Leica
Dimensions:   Max. Dim. 0.020
Material:   Lead
Date:   30 May 1936
Section:   Σ
Grid:   Σ:28-31/ΚΑ-ΚΔ
Elevation:   -4.10 to -4.20m.
Masl:   -4.2--4.1m.
Bibliography:   Agora X, p. 122, pl. (30), no. L 326 a.
References:   Publication: Agora X
Image: 2017.12.0123
Card: IL 480