Agora Object: P 1486
Inventory Number:   P 1486
Section Number:   Η' 20
Title:   Bowl Fragment: Marbled Ware
Category:   Pottery
Description:   Mended from six fragments; about half preserved. Sides flaring from small ring foot; lip slightly offset.
Coarse pink clay with dirty cream slip outside; glazed inside and around outside of lip. Glaze green to yellow on lip; on the center of the bowl yellow with marbling in brown over it.
Context:   Loose earth.
Negatives:   Leica
Dimensions:   Diam. (base) 0.08, (lip) ca. 0.22; H. ca. 0.063
Material:   Ceramic
Date:   6 March 1933
Section:   Η'
Grid:   Η':17/Λ
Elevation:   55.00m.
Masl:   55m.
Period:   Byzantine
Bibliography:   Monaco (2000), p. 242.
References:   Notebook: Η'-1
Notebook Page: Η'-1-52 (pp. 95-96)
Card: P 1486