Agora Object: P 18019
Inventory Number:   P 18019
Section Number:   ΝΝ 3042
Title:   Ostrakon of Themistokles Neokleous Phrearrios
Category:   Pottery
Description:   Mended from two pieces. Wall fragment of semi-glazed krater. Firm red glaze inside; thin red wash outside.
Incised inside: <graphic>
Context:   Ostrakon area.
Notebook Page:   5220
Negatives:   Leica
Dimensions:   Max. Dim. 0.06
Date:   April-June 1947
Section:   ΝΝ
Deposit:   A 18-19:1
Period:   Greek
Bibliography:   Agora XXV, no. 698, p. 105.
References:   Publication: Agora XXV
Publication Page: Agora 25, s. 123, p. 105
Publication Page: Agora 25, s. 190, p. 172
Publication Page: Agora 25, s. 199, p. 181
Deposit: A 18-19:1
Notebook: ΝΝ-27
Notebook Page: ΝΝ-27-16 (pp. 5224-5225)
Card: P 18019