Agora Object: P 19627
Inventory Number:   P 19627
Section Number:   Ω 1146
Title:   Plate Fragment
Category:   Pottery
Description:   Two joining sherds from center of plate floor. At center, a large rosette made up of six lotus flowers, each with a dot at the base.
Thin dark red gritty clay, matte red at surface.
Late Roman C Plate.
[Sherds from same fill stored in Tins 194, 195]
Context:   Late Roman red destruction debris over Building C, west half, rooms 5 and 6. Context 6th. c. A.D.
Notebook Page:   1586
Negatives:   Leica
Dimensions:   Max. Dim. 0.098
Date:   4-10 May 1938
Section:   Ω
Deposit:   O-Q 18-19
Lot:   Lot Ω 194
Period:   Roman
Bibliography:   Hayes (1972), no. 12, p. 353, fig. 73o.
    Agora XXXII, no. 1351, pl. 65.
References:   Publication: Agora XXXII
Deposit: O-Q 18-19
Lot: Ω 194
Notebook: Ω-8
Notebook Pages (5)
Card: P 19627