Agora Object: P 20846
Inventory Number:   P 20846
Section Number:   ΟΟ 1527
Title:   Black Glaze Plate Fragment with Rouletting and Graffito
Category:   Pottery
Description:   From floor of black glazed plate with ring foot and rouletting on floor.
Letters scratched through glaze on bottom: <graphic>
Glaze fired red on inside, black on outside.
Context:   Cut below marble chip floor of Court F, layer 2.
Notebook Page:   3939
Negatives:   Leica
PD Number:   PD 1133-23(F 174)
Dimensions:   Max. Dim. 0.088
Date:   21 June 1950
Section:   ΟΟ
Period:   Greek
Bibliography:   Agora XXI, no. F 174, p. 41, pl. 19.
References:   Publication: Agora XXI
Notebooks (4)
Notebook Page: ΟΟ-17-67 (pp. 3324-3325)
Notebook Page: ΟΟ-19-61 (pp. 3712-3713)
Notebook Page: ΟΟ-21-12 (pp. 4014-4015)
Card: P 20846