Agora Object: P 21772
Inventory Number:   P 21772
Section Number:   ΣΑ 1560
Title:   Beehive
Category:   Pottery
Description:   Fragmentary, profile complete; restored in plaster. Almost cylindrical pot narrowing in lower half to a flat base; everted rim with offset beneath.
Red-buff clay with bits, hard. No glaze. Interior "combed" irregularly over half the inner circumference, top to bottom.
Context:   Well east of Stoa room 11, containers 16-22.
Notebook Page:   1556
Negatives:   Leica, 97-1-7
PD Number:   PD 1091-72, PD 1231-14
Dimensions:   H. 0.568; Diam. (lip) 0.318, (foot) ca. 0.135
Date:   May 1950
Section:   ΣΑ
Elevation:   -19--19m.
Masl:   -19m.
Deposit:   R 10:1
Period:   Roman
Bibliography:   BSA 68 (1973), p. 398, n. 21, no. B 16.
    Agora XXXIII, no. 365, fig. 59, pl. 48.
References:   Publication: Agora XXXIII
Drawing: PD 1231-14 (DA 11963)
Images (5)
Deposit: R 10:1
Card: P 21772