Agora Object: P 23099
Inventory Number:   P 23099
Section Number:   Κ 2724
Title:   Black Glaze Kantharos Fragment
Category:   Pottery
Description:   Mended from two pieces. Foot and immediately adjacent part of body only preserved. Inverted echinus foot. Glazed except on groove at the transition from the upper to the lower part of the profile and the resting surface.
Pinkish-buff clay; glaze fired mostly red. Covered with a very heavy water deposit (removed from outside so as to show shape; left inside).
Context:   Packing behind tiles of drain leading north from water basin (drain 4).
Notebook Page:   2142
Negatives:   Leica
Dimensions:   P.H. 0.039; Diam. (foot) 0.058
Date:   5 May 1953
Section:   Κ
Grid:   I 14
Period:   Greek
Bibliography:   Hesperia 46 (1977), p. 151.
References:   Publication: Hesperia 46 (1977)
Notebook: Κ-11
Notebook: Κ-13
Notebook: Κ-19
Notebook Page: Κ-11-75 (pp. 2141-2142)
Notebook Page: Κ-13-75 (pp. 2539-2540)
Notebook Page: Κ-19-116
Card: P 23099