Agora Object: P 25285
Inventory Number:   P 25285
Section Number:   Α 1254
Title:   Vessel Fragment with Dipinto: Official Measure
Category:   Pottery
Description:   Fragment from upper shoulder of large amphora(?).
Along the upper part of the fragment a broad band of white added over the black; on this, painted in dilute glaze, parts of three letters: ] ΜΟΣ [ = ΔΗΜΟΣΙΟΝ
Outside, glossy black glaze; inside, on lower part at least, thin brown glaze wash. Hard pink fabric.
Context:   Between west foundation of Stoa and retaining wall, below top of former.
Negatives:   Leica
PD Number:   PD 1132-2
Dimensions:   Max. Dim. 0.095
Date:   (1955)
Section:   Α
Grid:   Α:40-41/Ι-ΙΑ
Elevation:   -4.60 to -5.50m.
Masl:   -5.5--4.6m.
Lot:   Lot Α 101
Period:   Greek
Bibliography:   Agora X, no. LM 10.
References:   Publication: Agora X
Drawing: PD 1132-2 (DA 6664)
Drawing: PD 1132-2 (DA 6667)
Lot: Α 101
Notebook: Α-4
Notebook: Α-9
Notebook: Β-15
Notebook Page: Α-4-39 (pp. 662-663)
Notebook Page: Α-9-71 (pp. 1865-1866)
Notebook Page: Β-15-34 (pp. 2817-2818)
Card: P 25285