Agora Object: P 25818
Inventory Number:   P 25818
Section Number:   ΞΞ 277
Title:   Unguentarium
Category:   Pottery
Description:   Mended from numerous pieces. Mouth and bits from shoulder and walls missing.
Buff, unglazed clay with thin, dark drip on one side.
Notes:   A-B 19-20:2 on the card but not likely.
Context:   Fill II.
Notebook Page:   432
Negatives:   Leica
Dimensions:   P.H. 0.148; Diam. (body) 0.074, (foot) 0.03
Date:   9 April 1940
Section:   ΞΞ
Grid:   ΞΞ:94-101/ΛΕ-ΞΒ
Lot:   Lot ΞΞ 151
Period:   Greek
Bibliography:   Agora XXXIII, no. 489, pl. 54.
References:   Publication: Agora XXXIII
Image: 2012.81.1999 (96-6-5)
Lot: ΞΞ 151
Notebook: ΞΞ-3
Notebook: ΞΞ-5
Notebook Page: ΞΞ-3-20 (pp. 431-432)
Notebook Page: ΞΞ-5-66 (pp. 922-923)
Card: P 25818