Agora Object: S 1797
Inventory Number:   S 1797
Section Number:   ΚΤΛ 342
Title:   Relief Fragment
Category:   Sculpture
Description:   Rough-picked back and a little of bottom preserved. Otherwise broken all around. Probably had a rough tenon at the bottom.
Above a smooth band, part of the figure of a goddess in chiton and himation seated sideways on a she-goat.
Two kids below; in the center an altar.
Pentelic marble.
ADDENDA The animals initially interpreted as a horse (?) and two dogs.
Conservation Status:   Finished
Context:   From circled marbles.
Negatives:   Leica, 95-2-34
Dimensions:   P.H. 0.16; Th. 0.045
Material:   Marble (Pentelic)
Date:   February 1954
Section:   ΚΤΛ
Bibliography:   Hesperia 53 (1984), pp. 70-71, pl. 17 b.
    Mitropoulou (1975b), Aphrodite auf der Ziege, pp. 8-9, fig. 2.
    Agora XXXVIII, no. 5, p. 28, pl. 2.
References:   Publication: Agora XXXVIII
Publication: Hesperia 53 (1984)
Image: 2013.04.9222
Image: 2013.04.9224
Image: 2012.80.1948 (95-2-34)
Card: S 1797