Agora Object: S 1934
Inventory Number:   S 1934
Section Number:   ΠΠ 956
Title:   Head of Male Figure
Category:   Sculpture
Description:   Small Zeus-Asklepios type head.
Part of neck preserved.
Wears fillet, incised to indicate rolled material. Hair on crown of head carelessly carved, and battered.
Pentelic marble.
Context:   Mixed fill.
Negatives:   Leica
Dimensions:   H. 0.061
Material:   Marble (Pentelic)
Date:   12 April 1956
Section:   ΠΠ
Grid:   A 16
Bibliography:   Hesperia 87 (2018), no. 38, pp. 602-603, fig. 20.
References:   Publication: Hesperia 87 (2018)
Images (5)
Notebook: ΠΠ-9
Notebook Page: ΠΠ-9-99 (pp. 1788-1789)
Card: S 1934