Agora Object: SS 10234
Inventory Number:   SS 10234
Section Number:   ΝΝ 3640
Title:   Stamped Amphora Fragment: Lesbian
Category:   SS Misc.
Description:   Neck and part of shoulder complete with one handle and both attachments of the other; mended from several pieces.
Micaceous clay; burned grey.
Circular stamp on neck below rolled rim; small round-bodied jug.
Cf. SS 10061, SS 10064, SS 10065, SS 10111.
Notes:   Cxt: LT in 1958-9 associated this w/ C 19 : 5 "virtually same place"
(VG 30.vii.74)*
Msc: Ag 12: use for marble?-working, late 5c--1/2 4c BC
(contains early Th); listed in list of C 19 : 5, in Deposit Lists, from
container 645 (late 5c--early 4c BC) w/ SS 10061, SS 10064, SS
10065, SS 10111(VG)*
Context:   Tiled basin at ΚΗ; east wall; 5th-4th centuries B.C.
Writing:   jug (in O)
Notebook Page:   5551
Negatives:   Leica
Dimensions:   Diam. (rim) 0.111; H. (handle) ca. 0.22; P.H. 0.265
Date:   22 July 1947
Section:   ΝΝ
Deposit:   C 19:5
Lot:   Lot ΝΝ 645
Bibliography:   Clinkenbeard (1974), no. 39.
References:   Deposit: C 19:5
Notebook: ΝΝ-28
Notebook: ΝΝ-29
Notebook Page: ΝΝ-28-80 (pp. 5550-5551)
Notebook Page: ΝΝ-29-62 (pp. 5714-5715)
Card: SS 10234