Agora Object: T 3868
Inventory Number:   T 3868
Section Number:   Κ 4193
Title:   Arm
Category:   Terracotta
Description:   Forearm and hand preserved intact.
Non-articulated fingers curved to meet tip of thumb.
Traces of red paint.
Buff clay.
Context:   Well and cistern.
Notebook Page:   5061-5063
Negatives:   Leica
Dimensions:   L. 0.049; Th. 0.019
Date:   5-9 August 1968
Section:   Κ
Deposit:   F 16:8
Period:   Greek
Bibliography:   Hesperia 64 (1995), p. 415, n. 29.
    Hesperia 43 (1974), p. 245, n. 143, pl. 47.
References:   Publication: Hesperia 43 (1974)
Publication: Hesperia 64 (1995)
Deposit: F 16:8
Notebook: Κ-25
Notebook: Κ-26
Notebook Page: Κ-26-69 (pp. 5224-5225)
Card: T 3868