Corinth Basket: Nezi Field, context 5434
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Basket
Name:   Nezi Field, context 5434
Area:   Nezi Field
Context Type:   Wall
Title:   South wall of Room north of east half of Room F, e
Category:   Cut
Notebook:   1101
Context:   5434
Page:   0
Date:   2008/05/12
Description:   Structure materials: Limestone blocks, roof tiles. Material size: Blocks 0.38 x 0.25 x 0.36, Tile 0.10 x 0.02. Material finish: mixed. Material construction: Random uncoursed. Material bonding: mud.
Notes:   Wall 5434 runs E-W forming the southern boundary of the Room North of the east half of Room F. Wall 5435 was built up against the west end of wall 5334. On the east end of the room, wall 5434 continues under wall 5346 which was built over wall 5434. On the other side of wall 5346, wall 5434 is numbered 5344. 0.75m from wall 5346 a later wall is built on top of wall 5434 which covers it for 1.30m.
Incorporated into wall 5434 are four large blocks. I am recording these blocks because they seem to fill the width of the wall and are almost orthostates (one, in fact is a reused orthostate). Their placement seems important to the construction of the wall. Moving from east to west, the first is the reused orthostate which measures 1.26m x 0.39m x .51m. It is placed on its side and runs directly under the later addition to the wall. The next block is 0.54m to the west, the part in between is filled with smaller stones and roof tiles. This block measures L. 0.42m x W. 0.41m and is the block jutting out of the wall in line with wall 5446. The next block is 0.36m from this one and the bottom of the next one is in line with the top of the one just described. The fill between and over block 2 is the same construction as between blocks 1 and 2. Block 3 measures 0.65m x 0.41m x 0.50m. Block 4 is 0.20m from Block 3 and measures 0.42m x 0.45m x 0.48m, and again there is the same type of construction used in between Blocks 3 and 4 as between the other blocks.
The finish of the stones is mixed. The big blocks just mentioned are squared. Other stones in the wall are either roughly hewn or unworked.
With regards to the sequence of the walls of Room north of the east half of Room F, the first wall constructed was 5446, then foundation trench 5436 was cut into the north end of 5446 and wall 5403 was built in trench 5436 and incorporated stones from 5446. Next, trench 5106 cut into the fill of trench 5436 and wall 5435 was constructed in it. At some point robbing trench 5445 was cut into wall 5446 on the south end followed by trench 5329/5451 into which was placed wall 5434. Wall 5434 was constructed after wall 5435 but when the robbing trench occurred in the overall relative chronology is uncertain other than before trench 5329/5451. Later wall 5346 was built over 5434, crossing it N-S. Finally 5450 was placed on top of 5434, following its line.
NB: The east corner where wall 5434 and 5357 meet is now corrected to be part of 5434 (previously thought to be part of wall 5347).
Revised interpretation 15/5/08 ACF: Consultation with Guy Sanders: Guy Sanders believes based on construction technique that this wall is late Roman (6th century), but 5435, again based on construction technique, is Frankish, and that 5435 abuts 5434. We are still examining this wall and will update the Harris Matrix if necessary.
Period:   Middle Byzantine (802-1058 AD)
Chronology:   931-44
Grid:   276.54-271.64E, 1020.14-1021.08N
XMin:   271.64
XMax:   276.54
YMin:   1020.14
YMax:   1021.08
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
Masl:   85.04-86.34m.
References:   Report: Nezi Field 2008 by Anne C. Feltovich, Catherine W. Person and Emily M. Rush (2008-05-05 to 2008-06-14)