Corinth Object: MP 100
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Object
Name:   MP 100
Category:   Pottery
Category Code:   MP
Object Number:   100
Description:   Lekythos with disk foot, concave resting surface, concave sides and flat upper surface of foot. Foot curves out to nearly cylindrical body with sides slightly flaring out to sharply carinated shoulder sloping up to narrow neck. Vertical strap handle joins at shoulder and neck. Shape and decoration similar to T-1388 (Blegen 1964, Corinth 13, cat. 363-5); Bucharest, City Museum, Severneanu Collection 18708 (CVA Bucharest 2 [Romania 2} pl. 21 [66]: 8) and National Museum Gr 55 (CVA, Bucharest 1 [Romania 1] pl. 30 [30]:4).
Decoration:   Resting surface and side of foot reserved except for black glaze line around lower edge of foot. Black glaze on upper side of foot. Lower third of body black-glazed with 2 reserve bands at upper edge bisected by black glaze line. Rest of body white-slipped. Panel of decoration on half of body opposite handle comprised of 2 bands of cross-hatching, black band with reserve zigzag line, black line on which rest 3 palmettes connected by curving tendrils with 2 outer palmettes inverted, palmettes framed by black line topped by meander band framed by lines. Black line around and immediately below carination at shoulder. Radiating ray pattern on shoulder encircling tongues placed around base of neck. Neck reserved, glaze on outer surface of handle, inner surface reserved.
Material:   reddish yellow fine clay with few fine inclusions: tabular angular; tabular sub-rounded white; tabular rounded voids, spherical rounded sparkling
Munsell Color:   7.5YR 7/6 reddish yellow
Condition:   Missing parts. Intact from foot to neck, missing upper part of neck and entire spout. Glaze well-preserved, white slip partly preserved.
Manufacture:   C16
Dimensions Actual:   diam. foot 0.053, max. diam. 0.066 (at shoulder) H 0.177 (to top of handle)
Dimensions Preserved:   0.168 (top of neck)
Weight Description:   0.233
Weight:   0.233
Period:   Classical
Area:   Minor Projects
Context:   NB207 B2 P163
Provenance:   Attica
Bibliography:   Hesperia 1995, 67 no. 220 pl. 79 Ann Blair Brownlee
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
References:   Publication: Brownlee, Hesperia 64:3, 1995
Monument: Minor Projects
Basket: NB207 B2 P163
Notebook Page: NB 207, spread 87 (pp. 162 - 163)