Corinth Publication: Morgan, The Annual of the British School 96... 2001
Collection:   Corinth
Name:   Morgan, The Annual of the British School 96... 2001
Title:   Figurative Iconography from Corinth, Ithaka and Pithekoussai: Aetos 600 Reconsidered
Author:   Morgan, Catherine
Series Title:   The Annual of the British School at Athens
Volume:   96
Month:   January
Date:   2001
Abstract:   This article reappraises the iconography and function of an architectural model or pyxis from Aetos on Ithaka, represented by four sherds originally published by Martin Robertson in BSA 43 (1948), 101-2 as part of the group Aetos 6oo. Particular comparison is made with the iconography of an imported Ithakan kantharos from tomb 949 in the San Montano cemetery at Pithekoussai. This tomb context, dated to the third quarter of the eighth century, provides a rare fixed point in the chronology of Ithakan painting. In both cases, the mixture of Italian and Near Eastern iconographical traits suggests closer connections with contemporary Italy than the Greek mainland. Further iconographical and functional comparison is made with a figured architectural model from the Monte di Vico acropolis at Pithekoussai. /// , Martin Robertson BSA 43 (1948), 101-2, 600. 949 BF; San Montano . AC; , 8 , . , . , B3; , Monta di Vico .
Page:   195-227