Corinth Publication: West, Journal of Hellenic Studies 122, 2002
Collection:   Corinth
Name:   West, Journal of Hellenic Studies 122, 2002
Title:   'Eumelos': A Corinthian Epic Cycle?
Author:   West, M. L.
Series Title:   Journal of Hellenic Studies
Volume:   122
Month:   January
Date:   2002
Abstract:   The author surveys the evidence for the three antiquarian epics commonly ascribed to Eumelos: the Titanomachy, Korinthiaka and Europia. He elucidates and restores details, and endeavours to grasp their poets' objectives. He argues that they were products of the Corinthian-Sikyonian sphere, and to a degree mutually complementary; that they were composed between the late seventh and the late sixth century, considerably after the supposed lifetime of Eumelos; and that they were perhaps attributed to him for lack of other claimants, he being famous as the Corinthian poet of the Messenians' treasured Prosodion.
Page:   109-133