"Id","dc-creator","Type","dc-description","Collection","dc-publisher","Icon","Redirect","dc-title","dc-subject","UserLevel","dc-date","Chronology","Name" "Agora:Object:A 5218","","Object","Nearly complete roof tile. Broken at one end and along bottom edges. Yellow and orange iron stain on top and underside. Some black discoloration.; Obtuse triangular pitch; vertical sides. Concave interior. ; Thick creamy yellowish slip on top surface and underside. Pinkish-buff fabric with large dark inclusions.","Agora","","Agora:Image:2012.12.0413::/Agora/2012/2012.12/2012.12.0413.tif::3392::1728","","Roof Tile","","","29 June 2012","","A 5218" "Agora:NotebookPage:ΟΟ-17-91","","NotebookPage","ΟΟ-17","Agora","","Agora:NotebookPage:ΟΟ-17-91::/Agora/Notebooks/ΟΟ/ΟΟ 017/ΟΟ 017 091 (3372-3373).jpg::2048::1620","","Grave Area; Fill South and East of Wall D","","","25 July-4 August 2016","Classical-Roman; Middle 5th B.C.; Early Classical; Late Archaic-Early Classical; 225 B.C.","ΟΟ-17-91 (pp. 3372-3373)" "Agora:Object:S 1530","","Object","Broken off above waist. Left foot (which was attached with iron dowel) missing, and small part of throne.; Figure, wears transparent chiton and heavier himation. She is seated on a rocky throne, with left leg forward, right drawn back. ; Almost completely modeled in the round, except for small piece in upper back, which was finished with a joint surface and intended to be set against something. The scale would suit the pediment of the Temple of Apollo Patroos.; Pentelic marble. ; ; ADDENDA Composed for a niche: Nympheum? (AS 1977)","Agora","","Agora:Image:2013.04.9279::/Agora/2013/2013.04/2013.04.9279.jpg::1833::2000","","Draped Seated Female Figure Fragment","","","19 June 1951","","S 1530" "Agora:Object:S 828","","Object","a) Female head and part of neck; tip of nose broken. Head turned up and to right. Hair combed back in melon fashion, with braid or wreath about back of head. Top of head roughly finished.; b) The right hand and arm preserved to above the elbow. The hand rests on the crotch of a forked tree stump. Branching off to the left the stump is cut off at about 0.025m. above the hand, and on this surface stand two small feet. Flesh carefully finished; stump rougher.; c) The body of a nude boy, which joins the head S 830 (Χ 128) and very nearly joins the small feet on the stump of S 828 b. The boy stands with his left ankle crossed over his right, and his right hand on his hip. His left arm is broken off at the shoulder. In his left side are two holes, as if for attachment to the larger statue. ; d) A right leg, apparently belonging to the same group, preserved nearly to the knee, and standing on a thin irregular plinth. Remains of red color from a painted sandal.; Island marble.","Agora","","Agora:Image:2010.01.0191::/Agora/2010/2010.01/2010.01.0191.tif::3073::4302","","Sculpture Group Fragments","","","a) (Χ 51) 9 February 1937,; b) (Χ 51) 12 February 1937,; c), d) (Χ 437) 26 March 1937","","S 828"