"dc-title","Id","Chronology","Name","dc-publisher","Redirect","UserLevel","dc-description","Icon","Type","dc-subject","dc-date","dc-creator","Collection" "I.G., II (2), 1041","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-1-127","","Agora 1, s. 127, p. 113","","","","Agora 1","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-1-127::/Agora/Publications/Agora/Agora 001/Agora 001 127 (113).png::1438::2048","PublicationPage","","","","Agora" "Αναφορά στις τουρκικές πιέσεις εναντίον του ελληνικού στοιχείου στην Τουρκία. Ζητήματα της ελληνικής πρεσβείας Κωνσταντινούπολης.","Dragoumis:Letter:1041","","Dragoumis 1041","","","","Δραγούμης Ίων","Dragoumis:LetterPage:1041.1::/Dragoumis/Dragoumi-Allilografia/20070718/1041_1a.jpg::624::1070","Letter","","1910, Μάιος, 28","Γώγος Α.","Dragoumis" "From a sheet attached to the draft of François S. Fauvel's letter of April 4, 1811, to M. Barbié du Bocage showing copies of I.G. II2, 4870; 2581a (I 2170); 2581b (I 2528); 8541; I.G. I2, 864 (I 2408) and C.I.G., 542a; From the archives of the Gennadius Library, Athens, manuscript no. 134, p. 49 recto. Cf. Cf. 1997.09.0241 to view the upper part of the letter.","Agora:Image:1997.09.0243","","1997.09.0243 (XXXVI-42)","","","","I.G. I² 864; I.G. II² 4870; I.G. II² 8541; C.I.G. 542","Agora:Image:1997.09.0243::/Agora/1997/1997.09/1997.09.0243.tif::1017::718","Image","Site | By Area | Central | Miscellaneous | Fauvel Manuscripts","","","Agora" "From a sheet attached to the draft of François S. Fauvel's letter of April 4, 1811, to M. Barbié du Bocage showing copies of I.G. II2, 4870; 2581a (I 2170); 2581b (I 2528); 8541; I.G. I2, 864 (I 2408) and C.I.G., 542a; From the archives of the Gennadius Library, Athens, manuscript no. 134, p. 49 recto. Cf. Cf. 1997.09.0241 to view the upper part of the letter.","Agora:Image:2012.52.0663","","2012.52.0663 (XXXVI-42)","","","","I.G. I² 864; I.G. II² 4870; I.G. II² 8541; C.I.G. 542","Agora:Image:2012.52.0663::/Agora/2012/2012.52/2012.52.0663.jpg::2048::1521","Image","Site | By Area | Central | Miscellaneous | Fauvel Manuscripts","","","Agora" "Intersection of Bothros 2 and Bothros 3: A) Stones of Bothros 3 south wall overlap stones of Bothros 2 wall; B) Bothros 3 east wall abuts bothros 2; C) Gaps in Bothros 3 floor near Bothros 2. From the north.","Agora:Image:2012.83.1041","","2012.83.1041 (97-36-2)","","","","AMS","Agora:Image:2012.83.1041::/Agora/2012/2012.83/2012.83.1041.jpg::2048::1375","Image","","17 Jul 1997","","Agora" "Bowl Fragments","Agora:Object:G 547","","G 547","","","","Fragments of at least three bowls of clear glass with small out-turned rims are included here, also various decorative elements, including a blown glass bird attached to a wall fragment, and with the details of the feathers given by cutting.; ; Also preserved are some small fragments of cage work with attachments to a bowl wall. The bird and the cage work appear to have been deep blue; the wall to which they are attached, a thin clear glass. ; ""It is not clear how many of these fragments belong to the same piece, and it seems advisable not to number them separately until they have been studied""(LT).; ; R. Smith, 1 August 1958, compares the bird with those of the marine-life bowls, the cage work with that on ""diatreta"", or on an amphora in Naples in which cage work and the cameo glass technique are combined.; ; EM. Stern, June 2001: Three smooth-walled bowls have been numbered G 547 h-1,2, G 547 i-1,2,3 and G 547 j. There are several unnumbered smooth sherds (15) belonging to bowls of this type, (possibly more than three), but they can' t be assigned to any particular object. Fragment G 547 i-2 joins to i-3. Fragment G 547 j is probably from a third bowl.; Fragment g: coil handle, which does not belong to diatrete vessel.; Fragment f: wall in base of a strut. ; ; Cf. G 675.; ; j) cf. Agora XXXIV, no. 179.","Agora:Image:2007.01.0679::/Agora/2007/2007.01/2007.01.0679.tif::1677::1408","Object","","9, 26 May 1956","","Agora" "I.G., I (2), 821","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-11-205","","Agora 11, s. 205, p. 186","","","","Agora 11","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-11-205::/Agora/Publications/Agora/Agora 011/Agora 011 205 (186).png::1461::2048","PublicationPage","","","","Agora" "I.G. II (2), 40","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-3-184","","Agora 3, s. 184, p. 174","","","","Agora 3","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-3-184::/Agora/Publications/Agora/Agora 003/Agora 003 184 (174).png::1449::2048","PublicationPage","","","","Agora"