"dc-title","dc-description","Type","Id","Chronology","dc-publisher","Redirect","Collection","Icon","Name","UserLevel","dc-date","dc-creator","dc-subject" "The Odeion","The exploration of the Odeon was resumed and the remainder of the late accumulation around the foundations of both the Odeion and the overlying late Roman building were removed, and the pre-Odeion ground levels throughout the area were exposed.","Report","Agora:Report:1939 ΩΔ","","","","Agora","Agora:ReportPage:1939-ΩΔ-1::/Agora/Reports/1939 ΩΔ/1939 ΩΔ 001.jpg::1576::2048","1939 ΩΔ","","1 Jun 1938-23 Jun 1939","Homer A. Thompson","Checked" "Excavation Summary Section ΒΔ: 1972","With the exception of the removal of certain modern intrusions, the recovery of a few layers of a late Roman road, and the discovery of the westward continuation of the southern foundation of Roman Building β, the work in Section ΒΔ during the 1972 season was concentrated on the exploration of the lower levels in the western area of the section. Significant new information was revealed regarding the topographical outlines of this area in Prehistoric, late Geometric, Archaic and Classical times.","Report","Agora:Report:1972 ΒΔ","","","","Agora","Agora:ReportPage:1972-ΒΔ-1::/Agora/Reports/1972 ΒΔ/1972 ΒΔ 001.jpg::1587::2048","1972 ΒΔ","","22 Mar-20 Jun 1972","Stephen G. Miller","Checked" "Section ΟΟ: Preliminary Summary 1947","Excavations in Section ΟΟ were taken place in four parts: the modern and Turkish road levels were removed; a part of the Great Drain, and drains connected with it, were examined; high Roman levels of Building A (Roman Bath) were dug and several rooms, a courtyard and two wells were uncovered; and in the South Central Area a number of houses, some wells and a kiln were uncovered.","Report","Agora:Report:1947 ΟΟ","","","","Agora","Agora:ReportPage:1947-ΟΟ-1::/Agora/Reports/1947 ΟΟ/1947 ΟΟ 001.jpg::1585::2048","1947 ΟΟ","","17 Mar-14 Aug 1947","Margaret Crosby, Eugene Vanderpool","Checked" "Excavation Summary Section ΟΟ 1968","The excavation of the Roman Bath east of the Poros Building was resumed in order to clarify aspects on plan and chronology of the building. It was discovered that there had been a bath in the area from at least the 2nd century B.C.","Report","Agora:Report:1968 ΟΟ","","","","Agora","Agora:ReportPage:1968-ΟΟ-1::/Agora/Reports/1968 ΟΟ/1968 ΟΟ 001.jpg::1583::2048","1968 ΟΟ","","17 Jun-31 Jul 1968","M. Alison Frantz","Checked" "Section Φ Season of 1937","In antiquity the area included in Section Φ lay outside the Agora proper and were apparently occupied only by houses and small buildings. The earliest period of which any considerable remains were found was the Geometric: three Protogeometic graves and one well, as well as one Geometric grave and one disturbed well, were discovered and excavated.; Pottery from the 2nd and 3rd quarters of the 6th century B.C. were found in a small hollow in the bedrock. A big well was excavated and black-figured and red-figured pottery was found. Some of the objects from the well belong to the early years of the 5th century B.C. ; In the northeast corner fragments of terracotta water pipes were found, some in situ, dating from the late 6th or the 5th century B.C.. A small building with polygonal limestone walls were cleared, its purpose uncertain. It was built in the early 4th century B.C. and continued in use until the end of the 2nd century B.C.; Remains of the Hellenistic period are few. From the Roman period a house was partly cleared. It was destroyed in the late 3rd century A.D. Two Roman wells were excavated, as well as a late Roman tomb. A late Roman building covered almost the whole section and was probably part of the great complex of late Roman buildings that covered most of the center of the Agora. The most prominent feature is an apse. The building was destroyed in the 6th century A.D.; Numerous traces of dark age habitation were found, but few from the Byzantine period, and some from the Turkish period.","Report","Agora:Report:1937 Φ","","","","Agora","Agora:ReportPage:1937-Φ-1::/Agora/Reports/1937 Φ/1937 Φ 001.jpg::1555::2048","1937 Φ","","25 Jan-17 Jun 1937","Eugene Vanderpool","Checked" "Section Ψ Season of 1938","Finds from Section Ψ span from Turkish down to the Neolithic and Geometric times. Several wells and cisterns from various periods were found and explored. The most extensive remains in the section belong to a building of the late Roman period.","Report","Agora:Report:1938 Ψ","","","","Agora","Agora:ReportPage:1938-Ψ-1::/Agora/Reports/1938 Ψ/1938 Ψ 001.jpg::1577::2048","1938 Ψ","","24 Jan-18 Jun 1938","Eugene Vanderpool","Checked" "Preliminary Report on the 2004 Excavation Season","All the work during the season 2004 was concentrated on the northwest corner of the Agora north of the Panathenaic Way. ; In BZ North, the last remains of Byzantine fills and walls were removed and Hellenistic, early Roman and late Roman fills were explored. A gap in the archaeological record between the late Hellenistic/early Roman to late Roman periods was discovered. It appears that the area was abandoned after the attack by the Slavs and was left in ruins for two to three hundred years.; In Section BZ South, work continued in the North-South Road and in the building along its west side. In the building, further cleaning took place, revealing more of an early Roman structure. Along the west side of the street a terracotta pipeline for fresh water was traced for much of the length of the excavated area. ; In Section ΒΗ, excavation of the Byzantine remains behind the Painted Stoa continued. Various walls representing several buildings and phases were exposed. Τhe character of the remains suggest that this area was more industrial than domestic.","Report","Agora:Report:2004 Excavations","","","","Agora","Agora:Image:2004.06.0016::/Agora/2004/2004.06/2004.06.0016.tif::5673::2590","2004 Excavations","","7 Jun-16 Jul 2004","John McK. Camp II","Checked" "The Odeum","A rectangular building with poros foundations was excavated in the central part of the eastern area of the excavation. The southwest corner, lying in Section Μ, was excavated in 1934 and the rest of the building, which falls in Sections Ν, Ξ and Ω, in 1935. The building consists of a rectangular auditorium or theater surrounded by a corridor. Excavation revealed a marble orchestra floor, bedrock cuttings for the lower seats of the cavea and the bedrock foundations for a stage. The building was destroyed by fire probably related to the Herulian invasion in 267 A.D. The east side and the north end of the Burned Building were excavated in Sections Ξ and Ν'. A late Roman complex, of which the Giants were the northern limit, was built over the earlier poros building.","Report","Agora:Report:1935 ΩΔ","","","","Agora","Agora:ReportPage:1935-ΩΔ-1::/Agora/Reports/1935 ΩΔ/1935 ΩΔ 001.jpg::1560::2048","1935 ΩΔ","","2 Apr-27 Jun 1935","Homer A. Thompson","Checked"