"dc-date","Redirect","Name","Id","Collection","Chronology","dc-title","UserLevel","dc-creator","dc-description","Icon","Type","dc-publisher","dc-subject" "24 July-6 August 1971","","Q 21:5","Agora:Deposit:Q 21:5","Agora","2nd-4th c. A.D.","Well South of the Apse of Room 3, Roman House H","","","Well south of the apse of Room 3, Roman House H. Cut through bedrock, diameter ca. 1.15m, stopped at ca. -10.80m because of danger of collapse. Water at very top, up to bottom of parapet between well and Room 3. Secondary access from well-head outside apse, at a higher level.","","Deposit","","0 to -ca. 8.25m Post-Herulian; Ca. -8.25m to -10.00m Pre-Herulian." "2-3 May 1940","","A 20:3","Agora:Deposit:A 20:3","Agora","Third quarter of the 4th. century.","Pyre","","","(RSY=Pyre 2). Pyre in the industrial area west of the Areopagus, in House B. In northern corner of room. No pit discerned. A deposit of small stones (a marker/) lay 0.30m above the level of the pyre, in turn covered by a 4th c. fill. The room where the pyre was located was added to the house in its second phase. The pyre considerably postdates the construction of the second phase, but may date earlier than its abandonment. Sticks of charred wood were visible under the pots, suggesting that the pyre was burnt in situ.","Agora:Image:2013.09.0002::/Agora/2013/2013.09/2013.09.0002.tif::4180::2188","Deposit","","" "22 April 1939","","A 18:3","Agora:Deposit:A 18:3","Agora","First half 4th. c. B.C.","Sacrificial Pyre in NN","","","Sacrificial pyre, disturbed; a small pyxis (P 14864) is close to that from B 18:4. First half of 4th. c. B.C., perhaps first quarter.; ; West of House C. Pottery and cinders in pit in stratum. The pyre was excavated in two parts: the first in 1939 (A 18:3) and the second in 1940. Its integrity as a single pyre was not recognized until later. Construction of a Roman house had removed all trace of earlier structures here. Cinders lay under and among the pottery, so the pyre was probably burnt in situ. No bone was recorded.","Agora:Image:2013.09.0001::/Agora/2013/2013.09/2013.09.0001.tif::3924::1827","Deposit","","" "3 May 1940; 25 May 1940","","A 19:3","Agora:Deposit:A 19:3","Agora","350-300 B.C.","Pit","","","Pits ( A 19:3, A 19:4, A 19:5, A 19:6 in area 96-100/ΝΕ-ΝΘ (lower east slopes of Hill of the Nymphs, near extreme west edge of excavated area).; ; Sometimes called as ""Pit 2"". Pit with reddish black fill.","","Deposit","","" "May 1956","","A 16:3","Agora:Deposit:A 16:3","Agora","Prehistoric-Roman","Well","","","Hole (Well) and adjoining water channel with 4th c. pottery, probably a dumped fill.; At a depth of about -5.70m we started yielding some very crude potsherds, clearly not made on the wheel (maybe Prehistoric) p. 2367.","Agora:Image:1997.18.0115::/Agora/1997/1997.18/1997.18.0115.tif::917::700","Deposit","","" "2-7 April 1956","","A 17:3","Agora:Deposit:A 17:3","Agora","4th-3rd c. B.C.","Pit","","","Pit, partly cleared; dumped filling of first half of 3rd. c. B.C., but with considerable material of the 4th. c. Hellenistic.; Its rotten schist walls collapsed some time near then and it was filled up with pottery, ashes and earth, and abandoned. Forced to stop digging because of the rotten walls. There was still soft earth in the bottom (at ca. 6m.), but we had stopped getting pottery at 4.20m.; Much of pottery has been burned.","Agora:Image:2005.01.0966::/Agora/2005/2005.01/2005.01.0966.tif::1150::1590","Deposit","","" "","","A 14:1.3","Agora:Deposit:A 14:1.3","Agora","To second half of 4th. c. A.D.","Fills III, IV, V","","","Coins: ; 9 April 1937 #1-#2; 10 April 1937 #1-#2; 12 April 1937 #1","","Deposit","","" "","","A 18:1.3","Agora:Deposit:A 18:1.3","Agora","2nd. c. B.C.","Fill 3","","","Coins: ; 29 April 1947 #2-#4; 30 April 1947 #1-#2","","Deposit","",""