"Type","dc-publisher","Collection","dc-title","UserLevel","Redirect","Id","dc-description","dc-date","dc-creator","Chronology","Name","dc-subject","Icon" "Deposit","","Agora","Coin Hoard, Room 2 in ΒΖ","","","Agora:Deposit:J 2:15","Coin hoard. Room 2: soft soil north of floor surface.","23 July 1999","","","J 2:15","Archaic-Classical","Agora:Image:2007.10.0029::/Agora/2007/2007.10/2007.10.0029.tif::1816::1213" "Deposit","","Agora","Tomb","","","Agora:Deposit:J 2:19","At northeast corner of Classical Building II; on south side of dromos of Tomb K 2:5, and separated from it by ca. 0.6m of bedrock. Chamber cut through bedrock. The northeast corner of chamber defined. Rest of tomb runs under later wall foundations to the south and west.; ; Upper fill of stones and earth inside cutting with Geometric sherds. Partially articulated skeleton laid out against the north wall of the tomb, with feet to the east. A courseware pitcher upside down in the north east corner. More bones and a skull in a depression under and to the south, with an alabastron, and broken pieces of a second pitcher.","20 July-2 August 2001","David Scahill","LHIII A:1","J 2:19","Excavations | 2001 | Trenches | Scahill | Tomb J 2:19","Agora:Image:2001.02.0295::/Agora/2001/2001.02/2001.02.0295.tif::1280::1024" "Deposit","","Agora","Disturbed Pyre","","","Agora:Deposit:D 17:14","Disturbed Pyre at 59/ΚΗ (ΚΖ), in the area of the Poros Building west of the Areopagus.; Against east wall of room 5 west. concentration of artifacts, ash, carbon and a few bones in stratum, no pit discerned. The contents rested on or above a layer that is said to be at about the same level as the pebble mosaic floor, and thus the pyre probably postdates the laying of that floor. It was probably burnt in situ , though it is badly disturbed. The concentration of burning, burnt bone, and pottery suggests a pyre. That is how the excavator interpreted it in the notebook, and the lamp and angular kantharos represent two-thirds of the classic pyre assemblage of the mid-3rd c. B.C.","19 April 1949","","3rd c. B.C.","D 17:14","","Agora:Image:2013.09.0018::/Agora/2013/2013.09/2013.09.0018.tif::4192::1944" "Deposit","","Agora","Well at the Northeast Corner of Classical Building","","","Agora:Deposit:J 2:14","A well at the northeast corner of Classical Building, behind back wall. Dumped fill appears to have occurred as a single event as there are joining sherds throughout. ; POU date ca. first half 5th c. B.C.; pottery in fill spans ca. last quarter 6th c.-430 B.C.; out of use ca. 430 B.C.","11-30 June 1999; 15-21 July 1999; 12-19 July 2000","","5th c. B.C.","J 2:14","Archaic-Classical","Agora:Image:2000.04.0013::/Agora/2000/2000.04/2000.04.0013.tif::985::1063" "Deposit","","Agora","Pyre in Room 1 of Classical Building II","","","Agora:Deposit:J 3:7","Beneath toichobate floor level in Room 1 of Classical Building II, against the south ashlar wall, ca. 1.50m. east of the southwest corner of the building. Deposit of broken pyre pots in small pit, 1.00m. by 0.60m., with ash, bits of carbon and animal bones.; Basket 19.","20-21 June 2001","David Scahill","Ca. 325 B.C.","J 3:7","Excavations | 2001 | Trenches | Scahill | Classical Building II | Room 1 | Beneath Toichobate Floor Level | Pyre J 3:7","Agora:Image:2001.04.0019::/Agora/2001/2001.04/2001.04.0019.tif::1344::1968" "Deposit","","Agora","Pyre against North Face of Polygonal Wall, Room 2","","","Agora:Deposit:J 2:16","Pyre against north face of polygonal wall, Room 2, Classical Building II. No floor preserved above, but the pyre is below floor level 51.820masl, preserved just to the east and above patchy floor with plaster at ca. 51.70","24 June 1999","","Ca. 275-260 B.C.","J 2:16","","Agora:Image:2007.04.0031::/Agora/2007/2007.04/2007.04.0031.tif::3040::2008" "Deposit","","Agora","Pit Tomb, Infant Inhumation","","","Agora:Deposit:O 7:16","""Submycenaean"" grave into Mycenaean gully.; Rectangular trench cut partly in bedrock, partly through Mycenaean domestic filling.","9 June 1951","Eugene Vanderpool","Late Helladic IIIC-Early Protogeometric","O 7:16","","Agora:Image:2012.45.0266::/Agora/2012/2012.45/2012.45.0266.jpg::1430::2048" "Deposit","","Agora","","","","Agora:Deposit:Q 15:1","Great Drain and Pit at 55-56/ΙΗ-ΙΖ (Roman Group K).","8-17 June 1933","","Mid 3rd century","Q 15:1","",""