"Type","Icon","dc-description","dc-publisher","dc-creator","UserLevel","dc-subject","Name","dc-title","Chronology","Redirect","Collection","dc-date","Id" "Coin","Agora:Image:2017.13.0111::/Agora/2017/2017.13/2017.13.0111.tif::6614::3055","Τετράδραχμο Αθηνών 5ου αιώνα π.Χ.","Athens","","","Coins | By Subject | Animals | Owl","N 38425","Greek Coin","Ca. 450's - 404 B.C.","","Agora","","Agora:Coin:N 38425" "Coin","Agora:Image:2012.74.1547::/Agora/2012/2012.74/2012.74.1547.jpg::2048::1382","Alexander III, 336--323 B.C., and posthumous coinage.; [no details]","Alexander III","","","Coins | Greek Coins | Macedonia | Kings of Macedonia | Alexander III","N 72298","","Alexander III, 336--323 B.C., and posthumous coinage","","Agora","22 May 1957","Agora:Coin:N 72298" "Coin","Agora:Image:2004.05.0077::/Agora/2004/2004.05/2004.05.0077.tif::2372::1268","Sv. 11.19--17.29, passim","Athens","","","Coins | Greek Coins | Attica | Athens | Silver","N 72312","","ca. 450's--404 B.C.","","Agora","","Agora:Coin:N 72312" "Coin","","Cop 581--612.; [below horse, N-monogram]","Philip II","","","Coins | Greek Coins | Macedonia | Kings of Macedonia | Philip II","N 72402","","359-336 B.C.","","Agora","","Agora:Coin:N 72402" "Coin","Agora:Image:2012.74.1702::/Agora/2012/2012.74/2012.74.1702.jpg::2048::1342","Sv. 103.15","Athens","","","Coins | Greek Coins | Attica | Athens | Bronze, Period I (Early 350s - 229 B.C.)","N 72443","","ca. 350's--early or mid-330's B.C.","","Agora","","Agora:Coin:N 72443" "Deposit","","Pit at 57/ΚΑ; small pit on the lower north slope of the Areopagus, measuring 1.05x0.80mx0.80m deep. There were traces of burning and a few bones in it, since none of them are recognizably human it is probably a refuse pit rather than a grave.","","","","","O 19:3","Fifth Century Pit","480 - 470 B.C.","","Agora","4 March 1938","Agora:Deposit:O 19:3" "Deposit","","Well at 55/ΚΕ; ; Period of Use dated to the last quarter of 5th c. B.C., Upper fill dated to the same (deposited later) in Agora XXX.","","","","","O 19:4","Well at 55/ΚΕ","Last quarter of 5th c. B.C.","","Agora","1 April 1938; 18 April-6 May 1938; 17-19 May 1938","Agora:Deposit:O 19:4" "Deposit","","Hole at 65/ΚΔ; small cutting in bedrock with scanty pottery.","","","","","O 20:4","Hole at 65/ΚΔ","450-400 B.C.","","Agora","23 May 1938","Agora:Deposit:O 20:4"