"Icon","dc-subject","dc-description","dc-publisher","Id","UserLevel","dc-creator","Type","Collection","Name","Chronology","Redirect","dc-title","dc-date" "Agora:Image:2007.01.0412::/Agora/2007/2007.01/2007.01.0412.tif::1425::1359","","Part of the lip and side wall remains.; Steep wall, slightly flaring lip. There are two shallow grooves around the outside of the lip, and at least three farther down on the side wall. The bowl was probably moulded and then polished on the wheel. Both inner and outer surfaces show clear traces of wheel work. ; The glass is yellowish green through and through; a very thin film of oxydization on part of the inside, but no real flaking has occured.","","Agora:Object:G 20","","","Object","Agora","G 20","","","Bowl Fragment","3-12 March 1934"