"Icon","dc-description","Chronology","dc-publisher","dc-date","dc-creator","Name","Redirect","Collection","Type","UserLevel","Id","dc-subject","dc-title" "Agora:Image:2007.01.3436::/Agora/2007/2007.01/2007.01.3436.tif::1025::1355","Body mended from two fragments; head reattached.; Missing are right side of petasos and lower front part of garment with feet.; Moulded, hollow woman seated on rock. Right arm bent upward and left arm resting on rock. Body twisted: left shoulder to left, legs to right.; Draped in chiton and himation with himation pulled tightly across right arm. Chiton stretched tightly across thighs and knees. Drapery flows over rock from benearh left arm. Figure has short hair and wears round earrings and a petasos.; Back unmodelled and has rectangular hole.; Excellent workmanship.; Buff clay with traces of white paint.; ; ADDENDA Damaged February 1972: broken into many pieces (especially on base) and subsequently mended.","","","5-9 August 1968","","T 3797","","Agora","Object","","Agora:Object:T 3797","","Seated Draped Female Figurine"