"dc-title","dc-description","Chronology","Id","Type","Redirect","dc-publisher","Icon","Collection","UserLevel","Name","dc-date","dc-subject","dc-creator" "Strosis","Herulian Debris in a house on the lower slopes of the Hill of the Nymphs: House P = South House; Room 2 = Dining Room; Room 3 = Kitchen; Room 18; Room 23; Room 24.","Mid 3rd c. A.D.","Agora:Deposit:B 17:1","Deposit","","","Agora:Image:2012.52.0422::/Agora/2012/2012.52/2012.52.0422.jpg::1875::1473","Agora","","B 17:1","8-11 August 1947; 17-22 March 1948; 4 May 1949; 26 March 1956; 2 April 1956","",""