"dc-date","Name","Icon","Chronology","dc-subject","Redirect","Type","Collection","dc-creator","dc-description","dc-title","UserLevel","Id","dc-publisher" "May-June 1951","A 1911","Agora:Image:2000.06.0185::/Agora/2000/2000.06/2000.06.0185.tif::1372::1914","","Architecture | Terracottas | Tiles and Bricks | Roof Tiles | Pan Tiles","","Object","Agora","","Underside flat. Upper surface slightly concave, higher along one edge than on the other. Yellow buff clay, soft and powdery.; Traces of wash in pale white.; Cf. A 1912 (Σ 2759).","Pan Tile Fragment","","Agora:Object:A 1911","" "May-June 1951","A 1912","","","Architecture | Terracottas | Tiles and Bricks | Roof Tiles | Pan Tiles","","Object","Agora","","Underside flat. Upper surface slightly concave, higher along one edge than on the other. Yellowish green clay, soft and powdery.; Cf. A 1911 (Σ 2758).","Pan Tile Fragment","","Agora:Object:A 1912","" "May-June 1951","A 1913","Agora:Image:2012.53.0694::/Agora/2012/2012.53/2012.53.0694.jpg::1420::2048","","Architecture | Terracottas | Tiles and Bricks | Roof Tiles | Cover Tiles","","Object","Agora","","Flat upper surface; beveled edges. Underside concave. Brownish buff clay, containing bits of gravel. Surface pitted.","Cover Tile Fragment","","Agora:Object:A 1913","" "May-June 1951","A 1914","","","Architecture | Terracottas | Tiles and Bricks | Roof Tiles | Pan Tiles","","Object","Agora","","Part of one edge preserved of pan (rain) tile. Pale brown clay. Firm red paint on upper surface. Flange worn. Under surface flat.","Pan Tile Fragment","","Agora:Object:A 1914","" "May-June 1951","A 1915","","","Architecture | Terracottas | Tiles and Bricks | Drains, Water Channels, Pipes","","Object","Agora","","Missing about a third, including all of one end. One long joint tongue. Light brown clay and wash; two bands in reddish brown glaze, much faded: one beneath collar at base of joint tongue, the other near opposite end.","Water Pipe Fragment","","Agora:Object:A 1915","" "May-June 1951","A 1916","","","Architecture | Terracottas | Tiles and Bricks | Well Tiles","","Object","Agora","","Many fragments preserve about half rim and upper part of body of drum-shaped wellhead, including two circular lifting holes, plus one fragment of lower edge. The top, outer edge, and under surface of the projecting rim are all flat. The outer edge slopes in slightly, and has a small bevel at the top. On the underside, a shallow groove midway in. Plain walls. ; Yellowish buff clay; traces of thick yellow slip. Marks of wear on inner edge of rim.","Well Head","","Agora:Object:A 1916","" "May-June 1951","P 25417","Agora:Image:2010.18.0001::/Agora/2010/2010.18/2010.18.0001.tif::939::575","","","","Object","Agora","","Neck fragment preserving stump of one handle. Palmette and lotus chain. Applied red. ; ; Cf. Graef and Langlotz, pl. 19, no. 506c, Gorgon P.; Cf. CVA Louvre III, no. H d, Pl. 1, 10.","Black Figure Amphora Fragment","","Agora:Object:P 25417","" "May-June 1951","P 21859","Agora:Image:2012.57.0626::/Agora/2012/2012.57/2012.57.0626.jpg::1625::2048","","Red Figured And White Ground | One-Piece Amphorae | Pictures Not Framed","","Object","Agora","","About one-quarter missing, mostly from lower part of body and foot; restored in plaster. ; A) King looking right, right arm outstretched; scepter in left hand; woman running right, looking back left. White for fillets on both figures. Relief contour for forehead, throat and neck of each figure, also the king's left wrist and hand, and his scepter.; B) Woman running right, looking back left. Relief contour for right forearm, throat and neck (possibly left forearm, nose and forehead; surfaces are worn).; Below each figured scene, stopped maeander punctuated by cross squares; tongues at the base of each handle. The glaze is much worn and chipped around rim and neck of reverse. The interior is thinly coated with brownish glaze.; ; Boreas Painter.","Red Figure Amphora","","Agora:Object:P 21859",""