"dc-publisher","Redirect","Collection","Icon","dc-description","dc-title","Id","Type","Chronology","dc-creator","dc-subject","Name","UserLevel","dc-date" "","","Agora","","Shaft (= well + caves) at 116-118/ΚΕ-ΚΣΤ","Shaft with caves","Agora:Deposit:A 21:1","Deposit","2nd. quarter - mid-5th. c. A.D.","","","A 21:1","","May-June 1939; 24 April 1940; July-August 1946" "","","Agora","","Great Drain South (ca. 70-113, from SW edge of section as far north as the Roman Bath) Hellenistic Sand Fill. Silted-up filling of the southern branch of the Great Drain, abandoned due to some damage at time of Sulla.; ; 134 stamped amphora handles; latest lamp is type 35A.","Great Drain South","Agora:Deposit:A-B 19-20:1","Deposit","4th. c.-86 B.C.","","","A-B 19-20:1","","May-June 1939; April-May 1947; July 1947" "","","Agora","","Roman use fill in lowest 6.70m; Byz upper fill (dump).","Well","Agora:Deposit:B 20:1","Deposit","50-150 A.D. to Early Byz.","","","B 20:1","","6 June-18 July 1946" "","","Agora","","Grid notation in error as 99/ΚΑ sometimes.; A well (diameter 1.20m; diameter inside tiles at bottom 0.85m) in the industrial area west of the Areopagus, at the bottom of the valley, about 10.00m. east of the Great Drain. ; At the bottom of the well four series of well-tiles were found in place; at the top the bedrock had broken out, to a depth of over 2m., forming an irregular pit. Lower period of use and two upper dumped fillings.","Well","Agora:Deposit:B 20:7","Deposit","3rd. c. B.C.","","","B 20:7","","28 May-18 June 1946" "","","Agora","","Early Roman well with four fills.; fill 1: well sealed 1st. c. A.D.; fill 2: more bones than pots.; fill 3: nothing later than 1st. c. B.C.=POU; fill 4: similar to fill 3, a little earlier?","Well","Agora:Deposit:B 21:16","Deposit","Early Roman","","","B 21:16","","7 May 1940; 19-29 July 1946" "","","Agora","","","Fills 3 and 4","Agora:Deposit:B 21:16.2","Deposit","1st. c. B.C.","","","B 21:16.2","","24-29 July 1946" "","","Agora","","""Oinophorus Well"".Tiled well in House H (diameter 0.80m, water level -4.70m). Height of tiles 0.64m","Tiled Well in House H","Agora:Deposit:C 20:1","Deposit","Use filling of early 2nd-mid.-3rd c. A.D.","","","C 20:1","","3 April-31 May 1947" "","","Agora","","","Late Roman Dump","Agora:Deposit:C 20:1.1","Deposit","Late Roman","","","C 20:1.1","",""