"dc-publisher","Type","Collection","Name","UserLevel","dc-title","dc-creator","Id","Icon","dc-description","dc-date","Redirect","dc-subject","Chronology" "","Lot","Agora","Ν 108","","Road Strosis I; Above Strosis I at 58.70; Road Strosis I; Below Strosis I at 58.70 with coins; Road Strosis I; Between Stroses at 57.85 and 57.55; Road Strosis I; Between Stroses at 57.55 and 57.15","","Agora:Lot:Ν 108","","","","","From Annotation","Late Byzantine-Turkish; 11th-12th A.D.; Vandal" "","Lot","Agora","Ν 109","","Road Area II; Between Road Stroses I and II; Road Area II; On Strosis at 57.20; Between Stroses II and III; Road Area II; Between Stroses III and IV; On Strosis at 57.00; Road Area II; Between Stroses IV and V; On Strosis at 56.90","","Agora:Lot:Ν 109","","","","","From Annotation","Early Byzantine; Vandal" "","Lot","Agora","Ν 110","","Road Area III; Above First Strosis at 57.85; Mixed Coins; Road Area III; Between Stroses I and II at 57.85 and 57.75; Road Area III; 57.20 to Strosis at 57.10; Road Area III; Between Stroses at 57.10 and 56.70; Road Area III; Between Stroses at 56.70 and 56.60","","Agora:Lot:Ν 110","","","","","From Annotation","Early Turkish; Byzabtine-Turkish; Vandal" "","Lot","Agora","Ν 111","","Road Area IV; Between Stroses I at 57.85 and II at 57.75; Road Area IV; Between Stroses II at 57.75 and III at 57.55; Road Area IV; Between Stroses III at 57.55 and IV at 57.30; Road Area IV; Between Stroses IV at 57.30 and V at 56.25","","Agora:Lot:Ν 111","","","22 Feb 1937","","From Annotation","12th A.D.; Vandal" "","Lot","Agora","Ν 112","","Room with Rectangular Trough; 3-5/ΝΔ-ΝΣΤ; 57.30; Room with Rectangular Trough; On and Around Tile Trough; Room with Rectangular Trough; Fill on North Side of Rectangular Bulwark near Well; Room with Rectangular Trough; Rectangular Bulwark; 2-5/ΝΔ-ΝΗ; 57.30 to 56.90","","Agora:Lot:Ν 112","","","","","From Annotation","Vandal-Late Roman; Vandal" "","Lot","Agora","Ν 113","","Room with Rectangular Trough; Between Stroses at Doorsill Level and 0.40 below; Room with Rectangular Trough; On bottom Strosis adjacent to 57.00 Strosis; Around Bulwark; Room with Rectangular Trough; Down to 56.60; Really a Trench with Coins of day; Room with Rectangular Trough; Down to Hard Red Strosis at 57.40","","Agora:Lot:Ν 113","","","","","From Annotation","Vandal; Late Roman; Vandal-Late Roman" "","Lot","Agora","Ν 114","","Room with Rectangular Trough; Above Strosis at 56.85","","Agora:Lot:Ν 114","","","2 Feb 1937","","From Annotation","Byzantine-Vandal" "","Lot","Agora","Ν 115","","Around Apse of Post-Odeion Building; Last Sherds Removed from on Strosis West of Apse at Approximately Level of Wall West of Doorsill","","Agora:Lot:Ν 115","","","9 Feb 1937","","From Annotation","Vandal-Late Roman"