"Redirect","dc-publisher","Name","Chronology","Id","dc-title","Collection","dc-creator","dc-date","dc-subject","Type","dc-description","Icon","UserLevel" "","","G 453","","Agora:Object:G 453","Jar Fragment","Agora","","11 March 1952","","Object","Fragment from the side of alabastron-shaped jar (?).; Broken all around.; Molded, core-formed. Feather pattern inlaid on outside of curved surface.; Dark blue glass.","Agora:Image:2007.01.0618::/Agora/2007/2007.01/2007.01.0618.tif::1576::1824","" "","","G 454","","Agora:Object:G 454","Vessel Fragment","Agora","","8 April 1952","","Object","Handle.; Broken off from rim of vessel.; A broad, flat horizontal handle, flattened and turned at outer end.; Pale green glass.","Agora:Image:2007.01.0619::/Agora/2007/2007.01/2007.01.0619.tif::1587::1740","" "","","G 455","","Agora:Object:G 455","Bottle Fragment","Agora","","10 April 1952","","Object","Two joining fragments preserve neck anf handle of heavy bottle.; Handle a broad, thick ribbon, beginning with a reverse fold just under rim, making a nearly right angle turn down toward shoulder where it ends in a tooth-like pattern. Round mouth with broad plain rim sloping slightly down.; Greenish blue-glass.","Agora:Image:2007.01.0620::/Agora/2007/2007.01/2007.01.0620.tif::1584::1809","" "","","B 974","Card: 3rd of 4th c. B.C.","Agora:Object:B 974","Dikast's Ticket Fragments","Agora","","19 March 1952","","Object","Several joining fragments. Complete when found but partly disintegrated in cleaning. In the upper right corner, the dikast 's section letter Z (?), lost in cleaning.; Inscribed.; Bronze rectangle.; ; ","","" "","","B 987","","Agora:Object:B 987","Dikast's Ticket","Agora","","12 March 1952","","Object","Broken both ends.; Apparently reused; seems to have been restruck.; Now legible, and presumably latest name on ticket.","","" "","","B 988","","Agora:Object:B 988","Dikast's Ballot","Agora","","13 March 1952","","Object","Badly corroded.; After cleaning only a part of the disc, and the knob on one side, remain.; Solid hub.","","" "","","A 1935","","Agora:Object:A 1935","Fence Post Fragment","Agora","","3 March 1952","Architecture | Balustrades, Fence Posts, Etc.","Object","Broken above and below. Preserves section of post with part of four cuttings for rails, two on each side. On front, badly weathered trace of fillet.; To be connected with Eponymous Heroes; incorporated in restored balustrade.; Poros.","","" "","","A 1967","","Agora:Object:A 1967","Antefix Fragment","Agora","","14 April 1952","Architecture | Antefixes","Object","Broken above, below and to left. Preserves greater part of a relief palmette, flanked by flowers. Much weathered.; From the Temple of Poseidon at Sounion.; Island marble.; The two fragments A 1967(Ν 898) and A 1968 (Ν 899) are from same series as A 202, A 1570, A 1778, A 1894, A 1899 and Α 2225, and seem much more like bits of sima with cutout top than separate antefixes. To same series probably belong spouts A 1894, A 1903 and A 1969 (Ν 900).; (Cf. also Argive Heraeum Second Temple Sima.)","Agora:Drawing:DA 3563::/Agora/Architecture/DAs/03000-03999/DA 3563.jpg::0::0",""