"dc-description","Chronology","Redirect","dc-subject","Id","dc-title","Name","UserLevel","dc-creator","Type","dc-publisher","Collection","Icon","dc-date" "Bones from inside big pot. Also a few sherds.","","","From Annotation","Agora:Lot:Φ 2","Proto-Geometric Grave; From inside Big Pot","Φ 2","","","Lot","","Agora","","8 March 1937" "Pots, sherds etc [Bones of dog; tooth of cow-removed to bone storage 8 March 1959].","","","From Annotation","Agora:Lot:Φ 3","Well; To Bottom","Φ 3","","","Lot","","Agora","Agora:Image:2012.75.1107::/Agora/2012/2012.75/2012.75.1107.jpg::2048::1867","5 March 1937" "","","","From Annotation","Agora:Lot:Φ 4","Well; To 7.50 m.","Φ 4","","","Lot","","Agora","Agora:Image:2012.75.1105::/Agora/2012/2012.75/2012.75.1105.jpg::2048::1828","3 March 1937" "","","","From Annotation","Agora:Lot:Φ 5","Well; To 6.00 m","Φ 5","","","Lot","","Agora","","1 March 1937" "Prehistoric sherds, probably are Middle Helladic.; Red burnished; handle and rim fragments; Minyan; semi-circular ledge handles; horizontal, vertically pierced from 13 (B): disturbed around upper part of West of EG burial. In envelope stored in 7B (p.233).","Middle Helladic","","From Annotation","Agora:Lot:Φ 6","Well; To 4.00 m","Φ 6","","","Lot","","Agora","","27 February 1937" "Prehistoric sherds, probably are Middle Helladic.; Red burnished; handle and rim fragments; Minyan; semi-circular ledge handles; horizontal, vertically pierced from 13 (B): disturbed around upper part of West of EG burial. In envelope stored in 7B (p.233).","Middle Helladic","","From Annotation","Agora:Lot:Φ 7","Well; Dump","Φ 7","","","Lot","","Agora","","March 1937" "Prehistoric sherds, probably are Middle Helladic.; Red burnished; handle and rim fragments; Minyan; semi-circular ledge handles; horizontal, vertically pierced from 13 (B): disturbed around upper part of West of EG burial. In envelope stored in 7B. (p.233)","","","From Annotation","Agora:Lot:Φ 11","Green Earth Below Grave, to 1.50 m. (=Upper Part of Well)","Φ 11","","","Lot","","Agora","","26 February 1937" "","","","From Annotation","Agora:Lot:Φ 12","Green Fill Around Pot in Geometric Grave (=top of Well)","Φ 12","","","Lot","","Agora","","26 February 1937"