"dc-creator","dc-subject","Id","Name","dc-description","dc-title","UserLevel","Collection","Chronology","Icon","dc-publisher","Redirect","dc-date","Type" "Rodney S. Young","Checked","Agora:Report:1946 Excavations ΝΝ, ΞΞ","1946 Excavations ΝΝ, ΞΞ","The objective of this year's excavation was to clear the southern part of the section to bedrock. Features earlier investigated (the 6th century cemetery, the Hellenistic-Early Roman terrace and one large Roman tank), as well as some discovered this season (a second Roman water tank, a great built shaft, a part of the Great Drain and early house walls), were removed. Four wells were also dug. Only a small area of the section was left for further clearing and investigation.","Sections ΝΝ - ΞΞ Excavation Summary 1946","","Agora","","Agora:ReportPage:1946-Excavations-ΝΝ,-ΞΞ-1::/Agora/Reports/1946 Excavations ΝΝ, ΞΞ/1946 Excavations ΝΝ, ΞΞ 001.jpg::1251::2048","","","31 May-14 Aug 1946","Report"