"Chronology","Redirect","dc-description","UserLevel","Name","dc-creator","dc-subject","Id","dc-title","Type","Collection","Icon","dc-date","dc-publisher" "Second quarter 6th. c.","","A well in the industrial area of the Areopagus, about 7.00m. west of the West Bath, to a depth of 14.60m. This well was the direct successor to A 17:1, replacing it when it collapsed. The use filling at the very bottom contained the black figured amphora P 18348 (Hesp. 17 (1948), p. 184, pl. 65, 1) and a well head (P 18853, Hesp. 18 (1949), p. 125, no. 8). Above this the shaft was filled with pure dug bedrock almost to the top. The earth filling of the top 1.90m., where the walls of the well had broken out to form a pit, contained very scanty pottery, of the same date as that of the use filling. Use filling, second quarter of sixth c. B.C., the last half. Dumped filling of same date.","","A 17:2","","","Agora:Deposit:A 17:2","Well in Industrial Area of Areopagus","Deposit","Agora","Agora:Image:2008.18.0283::/Agora/2008/2008.18/2008.18.0283.tif::2829::2886","12-25 July 1947","" "Byzantine re-use of Roman well.","","Byzantine pottery begins after 4.70m.; above that Roman.; ; Diameter 0.92m; water level -5m. Tiled well; height of tiles 0.62m","","C 19:14","","","Agora:Deposit:C 19:14","Well","Deposit","Agora","","8-16 July 1947","" "","","AMS","","2012.39.1040 (Section ΝΝ 918)","","","Agora:Image:2012.39.1040","Great Drain looking south after taking out east wall and above of Mosaic Room of Roman Bath before digging the red fill underlying.","Image","Agora","Agora:Image:2012.39.1040::/Agora/2012/2012.39/2012.39.1040.jpg::1387::2048","","" "","","5401","","ΝΝ-28","R. S. Young","","Agora:Notebook:ΝΝ-28","Notebook","Notebook","Agora","Agora:NotebookPage:ΝΝ-28-1::/Agora/Notebooks/ΝΝ/ΝΝ 028/ΝΝ 028 001.jpg::1280::2048","1947","" "","","Excavation continued in section ΝΝ with the aim of clearing the area for the new museum. Because of the unforeseen depth of filling, the area remained unfinished.; Several features were dug and examined. The Great Drain and the Post-Sullan Drain were cleared out throughout their length within the section, as was the Late Roman Water Channel running under the Roman Bath, which was proved to have two periods of use. A second Roman Bath was found. The two baths were separated by a street overlying Drain A. ; The excavation of several houses continued. Of particular interest was a large cutting which produced a heavy deposit of ostraka. A number of burials were excavated, amongst them a Mycenaean chamber tomb.; Fifteen of twenty-two wells totally found in the section, were dug, as were two cisterns.","","1947 ΝΝ","Rodney S. Young","Checked","Agora:Report:1947 ΝΝ","Section ΝΝ: 1947","Report","Agora","Agora:ReportPage:1947-ΝΝ-1::/Agora/Reports/1947 ΝΝ/1947 ΝΝ 001.jpg::1582::2048","10 Mar-3 Nov 1947",""