"Name","dc-creator","UserLevel","dc-subject","dc-publisher","Redirect","Icon","dc-date","Chronology","Id","dc-description","Collection","dc-title","Type" "Ν-8","R.H.H. Howland","","","","","Agora:NotebookPage:Ν-8-1::/Agora/Notebooks/Ν/Ν 008/Ν 008 001.jpg::1289::2048","1937","","Agora:Notebook:Ν-8","1400","Agora","Mixed","Notebook" "A 702","","","Architecture | Building Blocks | Epikranitis","","","Agora:Image:2012.54.0026::/Agora/2012/2012.54/2012.54.0026.jpg::2048::1595","9 March 1937","","Agora:Object:A 702","Top preserved; broken at bottom, sides and back.; A Doric crowning molding, consisting of a vertical face above a hawk's beak, below which are a groove and then a flat band 0.007m. above the surface below it, as if it were the upper of a series of fasciae.; From the A 238 series; cf. A 601.; Pentelic marble.; Assigned to The Temple of Ares.; Joined with A 1135 (ΟΔ 1135).","Agora","Epikranitis Fragment: Doric","Object" "1937 Ν","R.H. Howland","","Checked","","","Agora:ReportPage:1937-Ν-1::/Agora/Reports/1937 Ν/1937 Ν 001.jpg::1587::2048","25 Jan-30 Mar 1937","","Agora:Report:1937 Ν","Report on the excavation in the northern end of Section Ν, which started at Byzantine level and went down to the first classical level. A strip of the Byzantine and Vandal road was the largest area exposed. A late room with a trough was excavated, and a wall complex related to the Odeion, examined. Classical strosis in various places were cleared.","Agora","Section Ν 1937","Report"