"Type","Icon","dc-description","Id","dc-date","Collection","dc-title","Chronology","Redirect","Name","dc-subject","dc-publisher","dc-creator","UserLevel" "Report","Agora:ReportPage:1949-ΟΟ-1::/Agora/Reports/1949 ΟΟ/1949 ΟΟ 001.jpg::1584::2048","A report on the excavation in the immediate vicinity of the Early Geometric burial found in 1948 in Section ΟΟ. Two Geometric graves were uncovered, and also walls and drainage systems belonging to the industrial establishments of the later 6th and 5th B.C. centuries, as well as sporadic remains from later periods, such as a 4th B.C. century pit and a Hellenistic cistern. Investigation also took place in the Great Drain area.; In addition, limited excavations were carried out in the ancient street north of the Poros Building.","Agora:Report:1949 ΟΟ","28 Mar-9 Nov 1949","Agora","Section ΟΟ 1949; Grave Area","","","1949 ΟΟ","Checked","","Margaret Crosby","" "Report","Agora:ReportPage:1950-ΟΟ-1::/Agora/Reports/1950 ΟΟ/1950 ΟΟ 001.jpg::1588::2048","A report on the excavation of the Poros Building in Section ΟΟ. As a result of the investigation, the plan of the building, as suggested in 1948, was considerably modified. Revealed is a building with a large open court, a central corridor and five rooms at the west side and three southern rooms at the east side. In the northeast corner is an area divided into four rooms, referred to as the Northeast Annex.","Agora:Report:1950 ΟΟ","21-26 Jun 1950","Agora","Section ΟΟ: Excavation Summary February, 1950; The Poros Building","","","1950 ΟΟ","Checked","","Margaret Crosby",""