"Type","dc-description","Icon","Name","Redirect","Chronology","dc-title","UserLevel","dc-publisher","dc-creator","dc-subject","dc-date","Id","Collection" "Deposit","Great Drain South (ca. 70-113, from SW edge of section as far north as the Roman Bath) Hellenistic Sand Fill. Silted-up filling of the southern branch of the Great Drain, abandoned due to some damage at time of Sulla.; ; 134 stamped amphora handles; latest lamp is type 35A.","","A-B 19-20:1","","4th. c.-86 B.C.","Great Drain South","","","","","May-June 1939; April-May 1947; July 1947","Agora:Deposit:A-B 19-20:1","Agora"