"Name","dc-creator","Icon","dc-date","Collection","dc-subject","dc-publisher","Type","Chronology","Id","dc-title","Redirect","dc-description","UserLevel" "IL 162","","Agora:Card:IL-162-1::/Agora/Cards/IL 0xxx/IL-00162-1.jpg::2048::1385","","Agora","","","Card","","Agora:Card:IL-162-1","","","","" "G 12:7","","Agora:Image:1997.20.0297::/Agora/1997/1997.20/1997.20.0297.tif::1316::979","28 February 1935","Agora","","","Deposit","750-700 B.C.","Agora:Deposit:G 12:7","Inhumation of a Man","","Grave 7 in notebook. Area disturbed in Roman times; outlines of the shaft had been obliterated. ; The northwest end, however, was preserved in a cutting in the rock of the sloping hillside. This cutting, 0.59m wide, extended to a total depth of 0.62m below the rock surface. This depth had provided space for two separate burials, one above the other. The earlier burial, Grave XX, occupied the bottom of the cutting; the later, Grave XIX, rested on a filling of ash 0.38m above it. A thin layer of sand had been sprinkled over the filling of the earlier burial, to serve as a floor for the later.; The skeleton of a man lay with the head toward the northwest; an iron knife was found lying under the left upper arm.","" "2012.26.0155 (7-423)","","Agora:Image:2012.26.0155::/Agora/2012/2012.26/2012.26.0155.jpg::2048::1529","","Agora","","","Image","","Agora:Image:2012.26.0155","Bronze and iron objects.","","AMS","" "Β-8","R. S. Young","Agora:NotebookPage:Β-8-1::/Agora/Notebooks/Β/Β 008/Β 008 001.jpg::1227::2048","25 February 1935- 19 March 1935","Agora","","","Notebook","","Agora:Notebook:Β-8","Mixed","","1389","" "Β-8-25 (pp. 1428-1429)","","Agora:NotebookPage:Β-8-25::/Agora/Notebooks/Β/Β 008/Β 008 025 (1428-1429).jpg::2048::1691","28 Feb 1935","Agora","","","NotebookPage","","Agora:NotebookPage:Β-8-25","Nude Male Figurine Fragment","","Β-8","" "Hesperia 16 (1947)","","","1947","Agora","","American School of Classical Studies at Athens","Publication","","Agora:Publication:Hesperia 16","Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens","","Hesperia","" "Hesperia Suppl. 2 (1939)","Young, R. S.","Agora:Image:2009.09.0067::/Agora/2009/2009.09/2009.09.0067.jpg::641::835","1939","Agora","","American School of Classical Studies at Athens","Publication","","Agora:Publication:Hesperia Supplement 2","Late Geometric Graves and a Seventh-Century Well in the Agora","","The entire contents of a small Geometric period (900-700 B.C.) cemetery of twenty graves, found just south of the Tholos in the Athenian Agora, are catalogued in this book. Three additional graves, a well, and selection of isolated finds provide the author with a mass of Geometric and proto-Attic pottery from which to develop important typological observations about Attic ceramics at this formative period.",""