"dc-creator","dc-description","Redirect","Name","dc-subject","dc-publisher","Type","UserLevel","dc-title","dc-date","Chronology","Collection","Id","Icon" "","Cistern at 17-18/ΛΑ (Coroplasts' Dump) outside the market square to the southeast, west of the Panathenaic Way.; ; Upper and lower fill distinguished during excavation, but material from both appears to be contemporary.; ; The cistern S 19:3 and the well S 19:8, together with a Roman well S 19:1, had collapsed to form a large pit (S 19:5). The cistern was dug separately, although some of its distinctive fill of terracotta figurines and votive material had fallen into the pit S 19:5.","","S 19:3","","","Deposit","","Cistern at 17-18/ΛΑ","11-27 April 1938","To ca. 330-320 B.C.","Agora","Agora:Deposit:S 19:3",""