"Name","dc-title","Chronology","Redirect","dc-publisher","dc-creator","UserLevel","dc-subject","dc-date","Id","Collection","Type","Icon","dc-description" "P 13030","","","","","","","","","Agora:Card:P-13030-1","Agora","Card","Agora:Card:P-13030-1::/Agora/Cards/P 13xxx/P-13030-1.jpg::2048::1406","" "U 25:2","Well 6 in ΟΑ","Last quarter of 6th c. B.C.","","","","","","23 May-3 June 1938","Agora:Deposit:U 25:2","Agora","Deposit","","Well 6: archaic. Diameter 1.20m; Well on the northwest slope of the Acropolis, below the Klepsydra.; ; There are three fills, all thrown into the unfinished well at the same time (end of 6th- beginning of the 5th c. B.C.), but brought from different pottery dumps. Some of the material probably dates from the end of the 7th c. B.C., and nearly all is earlier than the last quarter of the 6th, but the filling up of the well cannot have taken place before the end of the 6th or even the beginning of the 5h c. B.C." "2010.18.1038 (Leica P 13030)","Black Figure Cup Fragment","","","","","","","","Agora:Image:2010.18.1038","Agora","Image","Agora:Image:2010.18.1038::/Agora/2010/2010.18/2010.18.1038.tif::294::299","Horizontal (normal)" "Agora 23, s. 330, p. 314","Cups; Type Uncertain","530-520 B.C.; 4th quarter of 6th B.C.; Late 6th B.C.; 550-530 B.C.; 3rd quarter of 6th B.C.","","","","","","","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-23-330","Agora","PublicationPage","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-23-330::/Agora/Publications/Agora/Agora 023/Agora 023 330 (314).png::1495::2048","Agora 23" "Agora 23, s. 361, p. 345","Well","","","","","","","","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-23-361","Agora","PublicationPage","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-23-361::/Agora/Publications/Agora/Agora 023/Agora 023 361 (345).png::1495::2048","Agora 23" "Agora 23, s. 516","pl. 117","","","","","","","","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-23-516","Agora","PublicationPage","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-23-516::/Agora/Publications/Agora/Agora 023/Agora 023 516.png::1471::2048","Agora 23" "Agora XXIII","Attic Black-Figured Pottery","","","American School of Classical Studies at Athens","Moore, M. B.","","","1986","Agora:Publication:Agora 23","Agora","Publication","Agora:Image:2009.09.0053::/Agora/2009/2009.09/2009.09.0053.jpg::370::500","This volume is the first of the Athenian Agora reports to deal specifically with figured wares; it is concerned with the black-figured pottery found in the excavations in the Athenian Agora between 1931 and 1967, most of it in dumped fill especially in wells and cisterns. These deposits have been published separately in previous reports; by presenting them as a body, the authors are able to show how it complements and supplements the existing chronological and stylistic framework of shapes and artists. All the important pieces are shown in photographs, as well as all complete vases and those with particular problems. Profile drawings and reconstructions of the composition are supplied in a few special cases. Summary descriptions of references and a site plan are given for the deposits, which are also identified in the concordance of catalogue and inventory numbers. There are indexes of potters, painters, groups, and classes; subjects; shape and ornament; collections and provenances; and a general index."