"Chronology","Redirect","dc-date","Icon","dc-description","dc-subject","dc-creator","dc-title","Id","dc-publisher","Type","Name","Collection","UserLevel" "","","","Agora:Card:P-1518-1::/Agora/Cards/P 1xxx/P-01518-1.jpg::2048::1393","","","","","Agora:Card:P-1518-1","","Card","P 1518","Agora","" "First half of 5th c. A.D.","","8 March 1933; 24 April 1933; 11-29 May 1933","","Accumulated debris on the west side of the market square. ; Related layers added 1999/2000 (JWH), e.g. ""Gravelly layer above burning"", ""Clearing Classical floor"", ""Lowest level above bedrock"", ""Below burning"", etc.; ; Cf. Hesperia 2 (1933), p. 209.; ; Apparently the burnt layer runs through sections Α, ΟΕ and Ε as well. No finds are listed here from those sections, but cf. e.g. Nbp. Α 124.","","","""Burnt Layer""","Agora:Deposit:H-I 7-8:1","","Deposit","H-I 7-8:1","Agora","" "","","1997","Agora:Image:2000.01.1008::/Agora/2000/2000.01/2000.01.1008.tif::696::709","Horizontal (normal)","","","White ground lekythos fragment.","Agora:Image:2000.01.1008","","Image","2000.01.1008 (Leica P 1518)","Agora","" "","","1933","Agora:NotebookPage:Η'-1-1::/Agora/Notebooks/Η'/Η' 001/Η' 001 001.jpg::1269::2048","1","","H. Α. Thompson","Mixed","Agora:Notebook:Η'-1","","Notebook","Η'-1","Agora","" "Early 5th A.D.; 355-363 A.D; 395-423 A.D.; 12th A.D.; 4th-5th A.D.; Vandal; 307-283 B.C.","","14 March 1933","Agora:NotebookPage:Η'-1-76::/Agora/Notebooks/Η'/Η' 001/Η' 001 076 (0143-0144).jpg::2048::1608","Η'-1","","","White Ground Lekythos Fragment","Agora:NotebookPage:Η'-1-76","","NotebookPage","Η'-1-76 (pp. 143-144)","Agora","" "Ca. 430-420 B.C.","","","","Neck and shoulder fragment. P.H. 0.068; diam. 0.096.; ; On the shoulder, inverted encircled palmette, flanked by two horizontal encircled palmettes. Above, egg pattern. Matte drawing: red.; ; Perhaps from the Bird Group. Cf. two by the Bird Painter himself from a grave on Lenormant Street, outside the Agora boundary, P 10280 (ARV2 1233, 16; Paralip. 467, 16) and P 10277 (ARV2 1233, 17; Paralip. 467, 17; Addenda 352) or Oxford G 254 = V 544 in his manner (ARV2 1234, 21; Addenda 352).","Red Figured And White Ground | Lekythoi | Standard Shape | Decoration On White Ground","","","Agora:Object:Agora XXX:847","","Object","Agora XXX, no. 847","Agora","" "430 B.C.; 440-430 B.C.; 430-420 B.C.","","","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-30-277::/Agora/Publications/Agora/Agora 030/Agora 030 277 (258).png::1438::2048","Agora 30","","","Burial","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-30-277","","PublicationPage","Agora 30, s. 277, p. 258","Agora","" "","","","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-30-389::/Agora/Publications/Agora/Agora 030/Agora 030 389 (370).png::1438::2048","Agora 30","","","Well","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-30-389","","PublicationPage","Agora 30, s. 389, p. 370","Agora","" "","","","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-30-525::/Agora/Publications/Agora/Agora 030/Agora 030 525.png::1467::2048","Agora 30","","","pl. 87","Agora:PublicationPage:Agora-30-525","","PublicationPage","Agora 30, s. 525","Agora","" "","","1997","Agora:Image:2009.09.0060::/Agora/2009/2009.09/2009.09.0060.jpg::370::500","This volume presents the inventoried red-figure and white-ground pottery found in the Agora Excavations between 1931 and 1967. Although many of these vases have already been published in various reports and special studies, this is the first time that all have appeared together, and this study gives a full accounting of them. Because almost all the shapes known in Attic red figure have been found in the Agora, these pieces provide a unique opportunity for study. The two introductory sections serve as a useful overview for the entire state of knowledge of Attic red-figure painting. The first gives a brief description of each vase shape and its development, and then shows how the Agora pieces fit into this sequence; the second follows this same format for groups of painters. In the catalogue, measurements and descriptions are given for 1,684 pieces, with relevant comparanda and up-to-date references. Inscriptions, graffiti, and dipinti are included, as well as reconstruction drawings of some of the more important or unusual scenes. The volume concludes with deposit summaries, concordance, and six indexes.","","Moore, M. B.","Attic Red-Figured and White-Ground Pottery","Agora:Publication:Agora 30","American School of Classical Studies at Athens","Publication","Agora XXX","Agora",""