"dc-publisher","dc-date","Collection","dc-description","Icon","Name","dc-subject","Type","Redirect","UserLevel","dc-creator","Id","Chronology","dc-title" "","28 March 1939 - 3 April 1939","Agora","Well 15: Mycenaean. It was situated about 35 meters down the slope northwest of the exit of the Mycenaean Fountain.; Well circular or roughly oval in section.; Diameter max. width to -4.0: ca. 1.50, below -4.0:ca. 0.90.; Water level ca. -2.50. The bottom of the shaft was rough, blocked by a ledge of rock too hard to cut, which still bears in two places the marks of a pointed tool with which it was tested. About 0.30m below, a late Roman pit which cut into the north side sherds occurred in fair quantity and the fill seemed to be pure.; ; Unstratified fill. Seems to constitute a dump fill from neighboring houses of the Mycenaean III B period, and is somewhat earlier than the major part of the dump fill of the Fountain.","","V 24:1","","Deposit","","","","Agora:Deposit:V 24:1","Late Mycenaean","Mycenaean Well in OA"