"dc-date","Id","Name","Type","Icon","Chronology","dc-description","dc-publisher","Collection","dc-creator","dc-title","dc-subject","Redirect","UserLevel" "11 February 1932; 31 March-4 May 1932","Agora:Deposit:H 17:4","H 17:4","Deposit","Agora:Image:2004.01.1646::/Agora/2004/2004.01/2004.01.1646.tif::1149::1821","7th c. - 625 B.C.","An area about 10m2. on the lower northwest slopes of the Areopagus, southeast of the archaic fountain house. A dumped fill to the end of the 3rd quarter of the 7th c. B.C., containing many votives, overlying the fallen clay walls of the houses of Geometric times.","","Agora","","Terracotta Deposit","","",""