"dc-publisher","dc-date","Collection","Icon","Type","dc-subject","Id","dc-title","dc-creator","Name","UserLevel","dc-description","Redirect","Chronology" "","12-18 August 1971; 9-10 May 1972","Agora","Agora:Image:2009.05.0020::/Agora/2009/2009.05/2009.05.0020.tif::679::893","Deposit","","Agora:Deposit:J 5:2","Crossroads Enclosure","","J 5:2","","Enclosure within Roman Circular Building. The finds apparently reflect the entire area inside the enclosure. Pottery lot ΒΓ 515 identifies the deposit as layer 10 and coin #895 from layer 11 says ""layer below the deposit"".","","" "","10 March 1952","Agora","","Deposit","","Agora:Deposit:J 11:1","Fourth Century Hole","","J 11:1","","Irregular depression in bedrock (ca. 7x5m), ca. 2m deep; area south of E-W Late Roman wall. Dumped filling apparently intended to level off the area.","","Ca. 400-325 B.C." "","18-21 April 1936; 5 May 1936; 5-31 March 1952; 7 April 1952; 29 April 1952","Agora","","Deposit","","Agora:Deposit:K 9-10:1","Red Fill West of Odeion","","K 9-10:1","","""Red Fill"" (extending to bedrock or near, over most of area). Mainly first century after Christ with later disturbance.","","1st-2nd c. A.D." "","24 March-16 April 1937","Agora","","Deposit","","Agora:Deposit:K 18:1","Roman Well Re-Used in Byzantine Times","","K 18:1","","Roman well re-used in Byzantine times.","","Late 1st-early 2nd, 4th-5th, 11th centuries." "","18-26 February 1937; 17 May-9 June 1939; 6-11 May 1940","Agora","","Deposit","","Agora:Deposit:K-L 18-20:1","Drain System","","K-L 18-20:1","","Accumulated fillings in a system of underground drains at west end of section ΔΔ with northward continuation into and across Section Υ.; The filling in the ""underground passages"" in section ΔΔ appears to be not later than 3rd c. B.C.; but drain channels, pits and cuttings, etc. in Υ are partly Early Roman, some mixed to Late Roman or later.; Section ΔΔ: west branch and east branch recorded separately and noted on cards for each find; not separated into subdivisions here.; Section Υ: pit at 31-32/ΜΘ-Ν, 31-32/ΜΣΤ-ΜΖ, 36-38/ΞΔ, 33/ΝΒ, 31-32/ΜΓ-ΜΣΤ, 31/ΜΑ-ΜΓ; ; two fragments of semi-glazed bowls with everted rim (late 2nd c.?) intrusive in west branch. More extensive disturbance in east branch indicated by fragments of dipper, 2nd c. plate, at least five moldmade bowls, a Roman lamp.","","3rd c. B.C.; 2nd c A.D." "","4-5 February 1937; 20-30 March 1937","Agora","","Deposit","","Agora:Deposit:L 19:1","Well","","L 19:1","","Dumped fill. Well lining collapsed at ca. 0.60m. from bottom, apparently at start of POU, forcing abandonment. Pottery described as mixed to ""latest Roman"", including combed and gouged; all very fragmentary; discarded.; ; Cf. Lot Υ 13 for pottery from fill in channel leading to well 39/ΞΔ (late 4th c. B.C.).","","Late Roman" "","29 April 1947","Agora","","Deposit","","Agora:Deposit:L 21:1","Cistern","","L 21:1","","Reused as part of a modern cistern; scanty remains of ancient fill towards bottom.","","1st c. A.D." "","13 March-15 April 1937","Agora","Agora:Image:2000.02.0978::/Agora/2000/2000.02/2000.02.0978.tif::2029::1317","Deposit","FixChildren","Agora:Deposit:M 17:1","Well","","M 17:1","","Use filling of middle of 1st to late 6th c. (Roman Group M); dumped filling of 9th and 10th c. Down to a depth of about 21.00m. the fill of the well contained very few objects, the latest of them being of the early Byzantine period (10th c. A.D.?). At 21.00m. there was a sudden change and very late Roman objects began to appear in great numbers.; ; See nbp. 786 for a note on the disposition of some uncatalogued material into a modern well.","","1st-6th c. A.D."