"dc-publisher","Id","UserLevel","Collection","dc-title","Redirect","Type","Name","Icon","dc-subject","dc-date","dc-description","Chronology","dc-creator" "","Agora:Object:P 16858","","Agora","Handle","","Object","P 16858","","","March 1933","Three joining fragments. Large chip from one side and edges of leaf missing. A large, plastic acanthus leaf attached to a handle, perhaps for a lamp.; ; Dull black glaze, much worn.","","" "","Agora:Object:P 15543","","Agora","Jug with Gouged Decoration","","Object","P 15543","","","12 June 1939","No join between top and bottom; restored in plaster. ; Ring foot, short plump body with very tall tapering neck, round mouth with flaring rim, groove in vertical edge of lip. Body covered with slightly curved vertical grooves. Neck separated from body by groove, from rim by ridge. Below the ridge, a band of punched dots, from which hangs cluster of similar punched dots. Ridged handle with shouldering. ; Orange-buff clay; outside originally covered with matte red glaze, now badly peeled.; ; Cf. Agora XXXII, p. 93, n. 39.","","" "","Agora:Object:T 2300","","Agora","Filling Hole Cover","","Object","T 2300","","","24 July 1946","First interpretation: satyr mask.; Slave mask in high relief, with pierced grooved handle (like Roman lamp handles) above.; Traces of metallic black glaze almost entirely peeled off.; Gray clay.","",""