"dc-title","Id","Chronology","Redirect","UserLevel","dc-creator","dc-subject","Type","dc-description","Icon","Name","dc-publisher","dc-date","Collection" "Roof Tile","Agora:NotebookPage:ΩΔ-4-41","","","","","","NotebookPage","ΩΔ-4","Agora:NotebookPage:ΩΔ-4-41::/Agora/Notebooks/ΩΔ/ΩΔ 004/ΩΔ 004 041 (0673-0674).jpg::2048::1691","ΩΔ-4-41 (pp. 673-674)","","1935","Agora" "Finds","Agora:Notebook:ΩΔ-4","","","","","","Notebook","601","Agora:NotebookPage:ΩΔ-4-1::/Agora/Notebooks/ΩΔ/ΩΔ 004/ΩΔ 004 001.jpg::1219::2048","ΩΔ-4","","1934","Agora" "Capital: Corinthian","Agora:Object:A 471","","","","","Architecture | Capitals | Corinthian","Object","Parts of smooth picked upper and lower surfaces preserved, but all edges broken.; Short acanthus leaves, parts of four preserved (probably originally eight), rise to ca. one half of the capital. From and between them rise long thin leaves, parts of eight preserved (probably originally sixteen).; Of the fragments, large and small, found near it, some perhaps belong.; Pentelic marble.","Agora:Image:2008.01.0004::/Agora/2008/2008.01/2008.01.0004.tif::2810::1980","A 471","","28 February 1935","Agora" "Sima Fragments","Agora:Object:A 586","","","","","Architecture | Simas and Lion Spouts","Object","Fragments of marble sima of so-called ""Megarian"" type: reversed palmette and lotus in relief. The entire height, (a) 0.144m., of the upper convex section is preserved, of the lower flat fascia, only 0.103m. The full thickness is not preserved. The top and bottom surfaces and the top were considerably worn before the burning of which there are traces.; Made up as crowning members of the Odeion stage front.; Pentelic marble.; ; (Since photographing, two more small fragments have been added, and the fragment a) has been joined to the piece shown in the picture at the lower right.)","Agora:Image:1997.10.0225::/Agora/1997/1997.10/1997.10.0225.tif::2362::1355","A 586","","3 June 1935","Agora" "Monument Base Fragments","Agora:Object:A 594","","","","","Architecture | Monument Bases and Tops","Object","Four pieces; the original bottom is preserved on a); b) (mended from two pieces) is a corner piece; otherwise the decorated surfaces only preserved, nothing of the top.; Alternating pattern of a narrow palm-leaf and a small lotus flower, which rises from a bulbous shaped bottom.; Pentelic (?) marble.; Assigned to the Odeion.","Agora:Image:2012.51.1183::/Agora/2012/2012.51/2012.51.1183.jpg::2048::1583","A 594","","24 June 1935","Agora" "Anta Capital Fragment: Corinthian","Agora:Object:A 599","","","","","Architecture | Anta Capitals","Object","Front face: at the bottom five acanthus leaves from which rise stalks to form the volutes. Ornament in center of abacus missing. Front line of abacus concave.; Back face, broken away at the top; on the lower part a projection, which tied into the wall. On either side of this, corner leaves corresponding to those on the front face, with similar smaller leaves next to them.; Pentelic marble.","Agora:Image:2008.01.0003::/Agora/2008/2008.01/2008.01.0003.tif::2444::1936","A 599","","29 June 1935","Agora" "Base Fragment","Agora:Object:I 3056","1st. century A.D.","","","","","Object","Fragment of inscribed base; statue base.; Inscribed face and original front edge at bottom preserved.; The back part of the bottom is rough hacked; here there may have been a face projecting down, and of which inscribed surface would be only the moulding.; From the base of the statue of Ptolemy Philadelphos, set up in front of the Odeum (?).; Hymettian marble.; ; ADDENDA Seems to belong with I 6215 (ΣΑ 619).","Agora:Image:2009.04.0136::/Agora/2009/2009.04/2009.04.0136.tif::3215::1928","I 3056","","25 June 1935","Agora" "Head of Female Figure with Backing Block","Agora:Object:S 553","","","","","","Object","The head is broken away in back. Both ears missing. The front is well preserved, except for the tip of the nose. Stained. The hair parted in the middle and drawn back in loose waves. ; On the top of the backing block are clamp-cuttings, and a piece of an iron clamp. The bottom of the neck is rough-finished. ; When the backing block is joined with the head, all the original surfaces are preserved, except perhaps part of the back. ; Pentelic marble.; From the same series as S 554 (Ν 264), S 558 (Ο 590), S 597 (Ν'80), S 1213 (ΩΔ 218), S 1391 (ΣΑ 327).","Agora:Image:2012.23.0388::/Agora/2012/2012.23/2012.23.0388.jpg::1517::2048","S 553","","15 April 1935, 30 May 1935","Agora"